A Novel Doesn’t Write Itself, Day 1 of Nanowrimo

Rumor has it that if you want to be a writer, you need to write. Heck, if you write, you are a writer!

Anyway…..I got my butt out of bed when Julianne got up. First thing! I made some coffee, and started writing. There were a few words already on the page, but I did around 3200 words today. I admit it. I’m pretty proud of the fact that for, 1 day at least, I took this novelist/writer thing seriously.

My goal is around 2000 words a day until Thanksgiving week. At which point I’ll likely need to take time off, as there are people traveling (did you know traveling can be spelled with one “l” or two? The English spell it with two, and the US people spell it with one. I didn’t know either until I typed it and had to look it up) and feeding us and whatnot that week.

So, sure, that first part of the novel seems a bit longer than I thought it would be. That said, I just typed (mostly) without correcting things (mostly) so I think there are at least three parts where I repeat myself.

Also, as usual, as a pantser, I learned something about a character that wasn’t even in the first chapter. It happened when I started the second chapter wherein we met one of Amanda’s teachers. Turns out he was a great rock climber back in the day. I should probably spend some time updating the character information about Amanda and Dornlin (the aforementioned teacher).

Also, per recommendations, I took a break during my writing. I like that recommendation. I also stopped in the middle of a conversation / scene. That is advice I’ve read several times now (including this morning, coincidentally). This seems like a good idea. We will find out tomorrow.

So, there is day 1. 3200 or so words in a few hours. Interrupted by food, bathroom breaks, and a bit of laundry. No writing was accomplished after noon (almost none, anyway). There are handful of lines I love, that I almost want to pull forward to the first sentences…..but that requires a bit of flashbacking, which I’m not sure I want to do.

I still haven’t decided if I’ll re-read any of that before I start writing or not. That seems to be an area of great disagreement among writing coaches / authors / et. al.

Good day, and good luck to all the creators out there!