Cragmaw Castle in Talespire

Cragmaw Castle Walkthru

This is a walktrhu report about the PCs invading Cragmaw Castle. You can find all the other walkthrus on this page, which also details the PCs, somewhat. The PCs are fourth level. BTW, the featured image is from Talespire, a VTT that I have always wanted to use, but have not.

The Summary:

The PCs had previously decided to enter from the north, right by their purpose for being there! They managed to turn the correct way to get straight to King Grol and Grundren. They cast hold person on the King and the doppleganger, both of whom failed their saving throws (yup, the sorcerer used points to do this). They proceeded to wipe them off the map, and scare the dire wolf (after the druid shape changed into the same) into leaving. The had to deal with a few hobgoblins from the next room, one of whom ran for help. They decided they had Gundren, and left, without clearing out the rest of the band of goblinoids.

What I Changed:

No 3d map this time. We went with 2.5d, where the minis are 3d, but the map is 2d. I just wasn’t interested in making a complex 3d map, after failing to do it easily. I didn’t change any monsters for some reason, though I likely would have made a few goblins into spellcasters off the top of my head, had they party gone into the castle. Really, I changed less here than anything else so far for some reason.

How It Went:

It was 2.5 months since we played, so I reminded the players what they decided last time, that they were going to enter on the north side near the ruined tower. You can see that on the picture below, where the red markings are.

Cragmaw Castle

The paladin went in first, pretty sure the player just wanted to do something, and it is the personality of the paladin/barbarian. The pulled back the curtain, then they all decided to go in the door instead. They snuck (good rolls again!) quitely, and opened the door to the King’s room. The paladin burst right in, surprising the king and doppleganger, who were interrogating their prisoner. The PCs won initiative, and the sorcerer used points to cast hold person on both the king and doppleganger, who both failed their saves. The king died at the end of that first round, and the doppleganger failed its save to remain held. The druid had changed into dire wolf shape, and the dire wolf in the room rolled very poorly to avoid being intimidated and ran from the room (the party did not take opportunity attacks and let it leave).

The hobgoblins in the next room started coming toward them, and the druid went out and pretended to be Snarl, delaying the hoblgoblins from doing much the first round. Then one of them tried to pass the druid, and he bit him in half on a critical hit. One of the others ran for help, while the other two moved toward the dire wolf. The other two party members came out and quickly dispatched the hobgoblins with great rolls. They party very briefly debated what to do, but they decided they had their prize (Gundren) and left. They hid in the woods, and got back safely to Phandalin, where we ended one of the shorter sessions in all the time we’ve known each other.

I sort of “encouraged” them into doing side quests, and I’m brining in Gnomengaarde from Dragons of Icespire Peak (with changes).

Aftermath and Thoughts:

Having the purpose of the quest be right by one of the entrances of the your encounter area sure makes the area go fast! I might re-think that in any future games I run….On the other hand, it was nice to finish a quest in one night, like a tv episode. Smaller areas where you can finish in 3 hours are appreciated by me, and I may re-think future things.

It was the shortest night of gaming this group has ever had (we spent a good amount of time catching up before starting, and we finished at a reasonable hour for the two players in the Central timezone). I don’t think anyone missed not having full 3d, they were just happy to be playing for a change.

I’m not sure what else to say about this one? I think that if I was going to run this again, I’d move Gundren. I’d also spend time adding in some other NPCs/monsters, and not just goblins and hoblgoblins. I do think the addition of the two monsters (names left off for spoiler reasons) is a nice touch in the original work.

That’s about it. Next time? Gnomengaarde (you can read about my original changes here, but I’ll be making a few more changes in addition to the ones there – come on, players, if you are here, don’t read that first!).