Daily O – Nada?

I don’t really have a pseudo poem for the site today. I think I wrote one or two that haven’t seen the light of day yet…..but I’m just not into copying and pasting them here today.

Maybe its because I had a covid test this morning?

The setup for the testing is amazingly efficient. Much like when we got our shots, I went to a drive thru location. There were almost no people there, and the process took less than five minutes from the time I got to the lot. Almost half of that was just driving slowly from the lot entrance to the tents! (that’s likely an exaggeration)

They asked me a few identity questions. Then they asked why I was there to get tested and a demographic question or two (which I thought was odd, given the online paperwork I’ve already filled out). Once the car in front of me pulled out, I pulled forward and Chris introduced himself.

He warned me of the upcoming discomfort, and made sure I was the right patient for the sample bottle. Then he stuck a swab up my nose. Fortunately, he reminded me to breathe through my mouth while it was in there for five seconds. And, he bottled up the swab, reminded me I’d get my results online in 24-48 hours, and I drove off.

It really could not have been simpler.

In addition to tests, they were administering shots. No line of cars. No waiting. Nothing like months ago. If you have a car, live in a city like Portland, you should be able to get a shot in no time at all, if only you wanted to.

Anyway, that was my mid-morning. I spent the rest of the morning going for a long walk, trying to decide how to open my novel. Which, really, I have 2-3 good ideas for the start. What I don’t have is a middle…..so, ya. We’ll see if I can write this one, or if I go back to the fantasy novel I re-started months ago. A novel that was originally about a wizard or two, but is now about them the assassin sent to kill one of them, and the bard that wants the killing of innocents to stop.