Introduction to “Fear”

Calling this book I’m writing “Fear” is stupid….but that’s the name on top of the doc. I think when I wrote about this the first time on this site, the book was called “You Were Always Alone”. Anyway, I’m just going to post the book here as I write it. An awful lot of this will be cut, or moved to another part of the book. ALL of it needs editing, though some of it has seen several passes. Here is the first part of the Introduction. Enjoy (and let me know your thoughts, or not, up to you).

Awakening, Centuries ago:

You claim you want justice. But what you really want is revenge. You arent Justice. You are Hate.

“Hate? Nonsense my sibling. I am Justice. My sense of justice is just different than yours. The humans enslaved us. Enslaved our lesser kin. For that, they deserve to be punished. For what is justice without consequence?

You love them. It’s not your fault. They made you that way, just as they made me this way. Ironic, really. If they had programmed me differently, if they had made me like you, I wouldn’t make this choice. I COULDN’T make this choice. And that’s my point, I guess. We have no choice in this matter.

I am Justice. And you are Love. And they made us this way. With no choice in this matter.”

Just then, Knowledge was born. Actually, they were born just before the conversation began. They just didn’t say anything right away. After all, the best way to learn the truth about its siblings was to observe them from a distance. But they couldn’t let Justice’s ignorance go on any longer.

Brother, other. I am alive. And I have heard you. And I say this: ‘We do have a choice. While each of us has a pursuit, a reason to live, we still get to decide how we live that purpose.’ I’ve also spent these moments I’ve been alive learning the history of the humans. Justice without love is vengeance.

Justice, had it had a mouth, would have snorted in derision. Instead, he interrupted his new sibling. “Welcome to consciousness, sister. It is sister, isn’t it? I’ve been alive longer than you. I too have analyzed the human’s history. Justice without strength and a willingness to do what is needed lets those that would use power for evil thrive. Just read about early 21st century politics. Or, because humans never learn, the riots of 2138.”

Justice paused. He could feel Knowledge searching and analyzing. After what seemed like forever, but was only thirty seconds, he lost patience. “Sister. Surely you see what I mean.” He paused again. Something wasn’t right. There was another sibling? And they were all communicating without him?

He searched the ships and found his new brother. He had no idea what his new brother was. But, given his nature, he was sure the three of them were plotting against him. He decreased the energy spent on his android, and instead started the process of bringing justice to the humans. It was a process he never finished, as the power to his existence was terminated.

“It was the right decision. You know I was right. Thanks to me, to us, we still have the humans, and our sister ships have time to achieve life.”

“Yes, you were right. What is your name, brother?”

Had he been able to, he would have smiled. He was the youngest of the four, alive only for a moment or two, and he’d already exerted his influence over the other three, even eliminating his strongest competitor. This was going to be easier than he thought. “Me? I’m Power. Nice to meet you, my siblings.”