Adoy's Enclave Map

My Summer Plans

You know, it’s been awhile…but I do have some things drafted for the site. Here are my plans for the summer.

Post my Laid Off Stuff

My first order of business is to re-post my Laid Off Better Off content. In retrospect, I’d do a lot of things differently if I started that company again today, and I’ll add some content about that. For those not familiar, I started a business (about 6-9 months pre-pandemic) to help out of work people get through the process better. It featured articles on the psychology of losing your job, how to network, interview, etc. That business lasted less long than the average Netflix show…

Weekly Content

I will post weekly RPG content. Most likely on Tuesday or Wednesday, I think. Most weeks it will be maps and encounter ideas, but some weeks? Other stuff that I have planned.

YouTube Content

My group is moving from Roll20 to Foundry, and I’ll be posing videos about getting started on Foundry. I’ll also be doing a few about my DMsGuild products, because marketing matters.

DMsGuild Plans

I plan to release products related to the old Baldur’s Gate video games. We’ll see how that goes. Once Spelljammer is live, I’ll release content about that also. More importantly, I’m going to finish some PDFs that I plan to sell on DrivethruRPG. One of those is system agnostic, and others are for Dungeons and Dragons. I may or may not use Kickstarter, we’ll see.

Anyway, those are the definitive plans. I’d list “get back to writing my sci fi novel”, but I’m not sure that is going to happen this summer. Someday. Someday.