Pro Tips

What’s a Pro Tip, you ask? It’s an observation, which clearly I should have known before I realized it. Actually, some of these are from friends…….

Pro tip:
There’s a reason people sit behind a desk/table in videos. It’s called a gut……

Pro tip:
When filming a video, don’t put something in the frame you don’t want on line…….

Pro tip:
Check the zoom before filming a video for 5-10 minutes…..

Pro tip:
When trying to strip a busted phone so you can recycle the battery responsibly, take care not to puncture the battery. It will burst into flames, you will run like an idiot to throw it into the back yard and you will have to explain to Carolyn why the house smells funny. Trust me on this.
credit: Fletch Chambers

Pro tip:
When you go out to cover the grill, and it’s still too hot, so you open it to cool off….. Go back out and close it and cover it before you go to bed….. Especially if it is going to rain….

Pro tip:
When working on your garden, under rose bushes, don’t grab random branches.