Redbrand Entrance Cavern

Redbrand Hideout, Act 1

This is a walktrhu report on our party heading to confront the Redbrands in their hideout. You can find all the other walkthrus on this page, which also details the PCs, somewhat. (DM NOTE: I didn’t put a roof or anything on the 3d build, so sure, there is sky in the picture, but I’m no expert on the 3d tools in Foundry, so it is what it is)

Before the Redbrands

The PCs stopped at Barthan’s Provisions to deliver the items that they brought from Neverwinter. There they met the owner, and heard rumors of blue skinned goblins, two of Gundren’s brothers being late to return to town, and that the Redbrands were threatening and blackmailing the townsfolk. They were told that the other goods they found were from the Lionshield Coster, and that the Stonehill Inn was a good place to stay. While they talked, Sildar left to find a place to stay.

The PCs met the person that ran this part of the Lionshield Coster, who also was having issues with the Redbrands. One of the PCs was impressed by how many women ran businesses in Phandalin. At the Stonehill Inn, the PCs talked to Toblin and Hilda and learned the following:

There are at least 10 Redbrands, and they killed the woodworker and that family is now missing.
Glassstaff is the leader of the Redbrands, who may or may not be a wizard. No one has ever seen them.
Tresendar Manor is their hideout.
The mayor has sent for help, but none has yet arrived.
Halia, leader of the miner’s guild is recruiting people to stand up to the Redbrands.

They rest for the evening, and Twitch changes into a cat, and investigates the outside of Tresendar. They find the main door that goes in. The next day, they all meet with Halia. The Redbrands don’t mess with her or her business. They talk for awhile, and agree that some miners will buy drinks for the Redbrands in the Sleeping Giant, so that the PCs will face less of them in their hideout. While exploring the woodworker’s house for clues, they meet Carp, who tells them about the other entrance to the Manor, which they decide to use.

In the Redbrand Hideout

Twitch changes into a spider (and we all worry we’ll step on him) and scouts the cavern/entrance of the manor. After realizing that the doors all seem new and tight, they return and tell the rest what they’ve seen (DM note: It’s cool they scout like this, but I didn’t want them seeing everything, so I just decided they couldn’t fit in the doors, sue me). They go to the west, and surprise the bugbears and a blue skinned goblin torturing another goblin. The blue skinned goblin is teamed up on, and dies before it can do anything. The PCs dispatch two of the bugbears, and one agrees to surrender and just go home. The let Droop go also (escorting him to the exit), and proceed to the next door, where they again surprise the people in there and dispatch them rather quickly.

We break for the night……but before we do, the PCs find a note on the table, telling Glassstaff to “take care of the town and get it under your control.”