
Why Poetry? A Poem I Wrote on my Birthday

It’s my 56th birthday today…..and we can’t go out and celebrate because of the pandemic. Luckily, we are decent cooks, and I’ll be reverse searing some steak, and my wife will be making pie. That’s not really relevant, but I typed it anyway…….For some reason I can’t explain, I’ve been writing poetry nearly every morning for a week. It’s not like I read poetry, or write it. But, the pandemic makes one do things, I guess. So here’s a poem about poetry (just taken from my notes, not edited).

me, mike

I wonder why
Does anyone even read poetry anymore?
Oh, sure,
Patrick Stewart is reading sonnets to everyone
And Guy Gavriel Kay posts them on Twitter

But poetry?
I don’t read it.
Why, then, am I writing it?

At times
Constrained it feels
It frees me!

From pain, from too much in my head
Pandemic Poetry

Who’d a thunk?