You Were Always Alone – Population Growth

I’ve decided to spend the next few months writing, and eventually, editing, a novel. I wrote one when I got laid off 4 years ago… isn’t all that good. But if you want to read a vanilla fantasy book, let me know….


I’m writing a science fiction novel about a young woman that is raised on a moon. She’s never done anything real in her life, only lived through the memories and experiences of others (technology!). Until she can’t, and she has to go out in the real world and meet real people and do real things.

Only, I guess, the question is……Was the other stuff not real? In her memory, she’s done these things. She can do all these things in the real world.

Oh, and her father? Evil capitalist pig who wants to rule the solar system

The question I’m asking myself today… many humans would be on a huge ship (multiple huge ships) leaving earth? Once they land, how fast can they populate a world? Let’s say you start with, I don’t know, 100,000 people all of reproducing age or just younger than that… many years until you had a million? Or ten million?

If they came from earth, how big would a society need to be to be modern, really? How long would it take to get there?

I think I read (outside of the 19th and early 20th centuries, when we figured out how not to die young) that the fastest population really grows is around 3% per year. That is A LOT of years to double, quadruple, or ten times the population…..

Anyway, that’s that I thought about today when it came to the novel. Because Humans of New York is killing my productivity today (as are other things).