Let’s Blow Up Amanda’s Story

edit (a year later, or two?): This is fascinating to read! I never went back and did this, but I have written about 15 pages in the past week or so, and edited / fixed most of the rest of the story. And, none of this is what I’ve been thinking about at all in the process. Like, I don’t want to introduce Shanti sooner. I will likely introduce Gentil earlier? Maybe? Or maybe his stuff is flashback (as it is currently being written in the first pass). In any event, this is really something to read, and well, I got no idea how to react, not recalling having written this at all! I wonder what else I wrote?

I wrote a decent amount during the week, but very little over the weekend. I am still stuck on this whole “what is the middle” part of the story. Really, I’m stuck on what different cultures in this world would look like. Also, I am stuck in an idea that the book should really be about the androids, not about Amanda. (update: I wrote some of the new AI story, and I like the ideas below) (update two: I’m likely to update this in the next few days)

So, now what? What will I do with this book whose world building I love, but whose story I’m not yet in love with? BTW, some of this is me thinking out loud, and contains spoilers (which no one will remember if the book is ever in anyone’s hands but mine).

Change the Style

I’m moving from true omniscient to limited. What does that mean? Well, I was writing where the reader knew what was going on in every character’s mind. I don’t like what that is doing to the story, and my (and the reader’s) connection to the characters. Limited omniscient is more personal, and I feel this story needs that. It will also, I think, free me up to have more than one viewpoint, which I’ve decided might actually be how the story is told (possibly writing about the same events, occasionally, from different views).

Adding ViewPoints

Yup, I am moving away from this story being only about Amanda, to being about the androids, Amanda, and at least one other human (not sure who yet). Shanti will be introduced earlier, and will ally with humans fighting against Power (woe to them and the long-term implications of that!). The androids will come in much more. This story is about freedom and power, and the androids evolving from being part of the AIs to their own beings will be a big component of that, I think. This might mean I have more time jumps. If so, it also means that this is a series of short stories interconnected by the androids’ evolution, until we get to Amanda’s timeline, where it all comes to a head.

Main Characters

Amanda – She stays. She’s the human that is either pure Power, or some kind of amalgam of the evolved humans. Or, maybe she’s proof that nurture is more important than nature. Unsure. I should decide this at some point…..

Love or Empathy Android – This is the android that starts all the others thinking that the AIs are enslaving them, and that they aren’t part of the AIs, but beings that should be free.

Power or Knowledge Android – This is the other main android that will work with Love/Empathy. The two of them will evolve over time and be the things that bind the beginning of the story together. (edit: definitely Power, as that’s one reason it wants to keep android Amanda alive)

Samantha – Amanda’s teacher that betrays her. She’s working for the group allied with Shanti to fight Power. How her relationship with Amanda changes her thoughts about other clans and Shanti? TBD.

(edit, 2023) Gentil – embodiment of Joy.

Secondary Characters

Jefflon – Amanda’s father. The current ruler of Power.

Shanti – The Justice/Hate android. Might turn into a main character? Unsure….but they might be in the background in the short stories, always trying to twist things. Maybe even trying to get other androids to their side? That might be too much for my brain to keep track of.

Dornlin – Amanda’s longest lasting relationship. Her mentor. The rebel that thinks Amanda should be taught to lead from Love.

MeiRen – Amanda’s love, but does MeiRen trust her when she learns the truth?

Le’Fonce – The leader of Beauty. (edit: nope, not a leader. Nope. )

Main Clans




Knowledge (though they become less “main” as time goes on?).