Nanowrimo – 20,000 words

I just passed twenty thousand words. Sure, that puts me behind schedule for 50K by the end of the month, but I was never going to make that. We have quite a few plans the last two weeks of November / beginning of December.

I’ve learned a few things about my writing and my process in the last two-plus weeks:

First, I need to write in the morning, before I get distracted by the internet. Today seems to be an exception, I’m writing well even after distractions. But, looking at all the days so far, it is clear I am better when not first distracted. It is hard to get un-distracted.

Second, I could never be a plotter. Sure, I have a few key points in the book laid out, or in my head. But, I write much better organically. I like my writing better when it isn’t planned. It just sounds better in my head.

I love ellipses. If I ever get an editor, they will hate me (though searching for ……. will allow them to edit quickly, and yes, I use too man periods). I knew this about myself even before I started this novel (huh, tried hard to write that in a passive voice).

Turns out that one “villain” is not enough. This might turn out to be a problem. It might also turn out that, well, no, I won’t be getting rid of the second one, but I’m not sure. I may have done more here than I wanted. I am pretty sure I’m going for a walk soon, and will think about this. So much for being a pure pantser……If I keep this villain, well, the entire “middle” will be different. I’m not sure how to make that work at all, frankly.