Nanowrimo – November 9

I’m actually writing this on the 10th.

Yesterday was very, very productive. I wrote the 2nd most words I’ve written in a day. I even managed to squeeze the tiniest bit of science into my sci fi novel…..and I mean tiniest. I’m beginning to wonder if there is enough science, really. I’m not a huge fan of hard core science, page after page of it, which is one reason I gave up on Aurora. OTOH, I do think a sci fi book probably needs more science than I’ve given it.

OTOHOFOH (on the other hand of the other hand?) I do have quite a bit of holographic stuff, and the sentient computers make an appearance, and there are all the experiences that Amanda has…..

I almost feel like I could do even more with her as a child, showing more of the technology. Showing more of Dornlin and Samantha (especially Samantha), but, well, that seems like world building and not plot, so, not sure?

Anyway, I made a ton of progress. There are some good scenes and dialogue. Also, my first ever (I think) kiss in my fiction. I doubt others will find it all that “hot”, but I actually found it exciting while writing it.

Today will be harder, most likely. I didn’t write first thing, and got distracted. Then I have a doctor appointment, and am meeting Julianne at Top Golf for a bit of fun. We’ll see, I guess.

As always, have a great day everyone (I love typing that, as I am 99% sure no one is reading these).