Nanowrimo – November 8

The weekend was largely a bust, or was it?

I wrote a few hundred words on Saturday, and then didn’t write on Sunday. I had good reasons, or sort of. This morning I was beating myself up pretty good for not writing over the weekend. By the time I’d written 1500 words this morning, I was beginning to wonder if taking a day off was actually a good idea. The novel, as I told my wife just before lunch, is back to writing itself again. I’m just typing the words that already exist, at this point. Which, as a pure pantser, is the only way I get much done.

I did, however, also do some planning. More accurately, I documented some characters (including the various AI) because I couldn’t remember the Merrymaker’s commander’s name. (it is Le’Fonce, which is a mash up “French” name that I am using to mean dark or somber or something like that, maybe brooding)

Anyway, I wrote a good number of words this morning and early afternoon. Then I remembered I should also be working on my Dangerous Dragons DnD supplement. If I can get that published this week or next, I will sell a lot more copies……..and I also have a haircut later today. So, I may be done with the novel for the day? But, I doubt it. This could be a work most of the day type of day. However, right now, it is time for a break. I am going out to clean out one of our fountains as the water is stagnant because I unplugged it for no reason.

Have a great, productive, fun day!