Angela Jolie by a Tree

Those Who Wish Me Dead Commentary

Sometimes when I watch a bad movie (and this was a bad movie), I post comments on social media while watching. Here are my running comments on Those Who Wish Me Dead.

Being a firefighter would be hard, I maybe shouldn’t mock this movie…..
Those two are lying
Shocker, saw that all day
Oooh. They keep showing a knife….hmmm…
Classic, need an eagle sound to know we’re in the country
I’d think a smoke jumper would have shorter hair, generally.
So, everyone is not trustworthy, since he found out stuff about politicians….. Gotta go to one place.
Oh man, the guy they’re going to has a pregnant wife. Not good.
The fire tower…. That’s going to be important later. That’s a lot of makeup to go sit alone for a long time….
Oh. Sure, ignore the good idea because small town…..
I was so bored I paused it to shower. And think about whether I would let watching. If you know me, you know my inner monologue wouldn’t stop.
Do the grasshopper and horse matter?
Pro tip…. If the fire department shows up and says there may be a gas leak, and they tell you to stay in the house, they aren’t the fire department.
Pro tip…. If you have a good idea to stay alive, don’t over complicate it.

So, the father will die, so Jolie can save the kid. But the dad wrote it so down, so the bad guys will get what they deserve. I’m guessing they kill the dude and his pregnant wife, so we know they are REALLY BAD. As if killing the DA and his family wasn’t bad enough
I like how he drove into the bad guy. Good advice, lots of good advice from the dad there.
Brave kid
Oooh. He’s here.
It’s not subtle why she helps. Maybe give us one more flashback….
Always good to keep secrets from the people helping you
If they wear a suit, they’re a bad guy. That’s in the Hollywood script school, right?
I bet they start a fire

Yup. Actually a good distraction by the bad guy.
I don’t think the Ying guy is happy, but it is a shitty line of work
Wait, no way, the lightning blew the radio? Shocker.
Just talk to her
She’s awfully clean for all that’s happened so far
They’re going to torture the pregnant woman? That’s over the top evil.
Good lie
She’s badass
He’d be way more burned
Stupid police. But they maybe aren’t well trained for this
Oooh. The badass pregnant woman, she’ll get them I bet.
Now she’s almost dirty
Almost worked, good plan. Track in the dark?
How is riding a horse better?
Now we know why they’re was a house earlier, I’m guessing.
Fancy bra …. I’d think sports bra, but nope.
Who would have guessed they have to go to the fire? No way.
Never talk to the bad guys. Kill them.

42 comments. I need a life

Who has the note? If he’s on the creek, it’s ruined
Paused, this movie needs liquor
Can she save him, herself, and the baby? Maybe even the others?
She’s not very good with the axe
Poor kid
Where’s the helicopter?
They just outran the fire
Weird they survived the fire
Come on, she has a wet shirt, show us the front.
Great line kid
She’s not getting medical attention?
The note was dry?

That was as bad as you’d think, but the pregnant woman being the badass hero was nice